# Supporting Database Operations with Built-in Goners

# Example with MySQL

# 1. Prepare MySQL Service

You can quickly set up a MySQL service using Docker Compose. Create a docker-compose.yaml file with the following content:

version: "3.5"
    image: mysql:8.3
    restart: unless-stopped
      MYSQL_DATABASE: demo
      - ./data/mysql:/var/lib/mysql
      - "3306:3306"

Run the following command in the terminal to start the MySQL service:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up -d

# 2. Create Module and Configuration

Execute the following commands to set up the project structure and configuration:

mkdir use-rdb
cd use-rdb
# Initialize Go module
go mod init use-rdb
# Create database configuration
mkdir config
cat >> config/default.properties<<eof
# Use MySQL database
# Data Source Name (DSN)

# 3. Write Code

Create a file named main.go with the following code:

package main
import (
	_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" // ⚠️ Import MySQL driver explicitly
	"github.com/gone-io/gone/goner/xorm" // ⚠️ Import xorm package from gone
type Demo struct {
	Id   int64
	Data string
type SqlExecutor struct {
	db xorm.Engine `gone:"gone-xorm"`
func (e *SqlExecutor) Execute() {
	// Synchronize table structure
	err := e.db.Sync(new(Demo))
	if err != nil {
	demo := Demo{Data: "hello gone"}
	// Insert data
	_, err = e.db.Insert(
		Demo{Data: "The most Spring programmer-friendly Golang framework, dependency injection, integrates Web. "},
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("demo: %v\n", demo)
	var list []Demo
	// Read data
	err = e.db.Find(&list)
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("demo records:%v\n", list)
func main() {
		Prepare(func(cemetery gone.Cemetery) error {
			// Bury xorm-related Goners into the cemetery using goner.XormPriest
			_ = goner.XormPriest(cemetery)
			return nil
		// Execute after the Gone application starts
		AfterStart(func(in struct {
			e SqlExecutor `gone:"*"`
		}) {

# 4. Run the Code

Run the following commands:

go mod tidy
go run main.go

The running result is as follows:


2024-05-10 16:56:52.767|INFO|Init|Revive github.com/gone-io/gone/heaven
2024-05-10 16:56:52.768|INFO|Init|Revive github.com/gone-io/gone/cemetery
2024-05-10 16:56:52.768|INFO|Init|Revive github.com/gone-io/gone/goner/tracer/tracer
2024-05-10 16:56:52.768|INFO|Init|Revive github.com/gone-io/gone/goner/logrus/logger
2024-05-10 16:56:52.768|INFO|Init|Revive github.com/gone-io/gone/goner/config/config
2024-05-10 16:56:52.768|INFO|Init|Revive github.com/gone-io/gone/goner/config/propertiesConfigure
2024-05-10 16:56:52.768|INFO|Init|Revive github.com/gone-io/gone/goner/logrus/logger
2024-05-10 16:56:52.768|INFO|Init|==>Use Env: local
2024-05-10 16:56:52.768|WARNING|Init|properties: /var/folders/jv/rn9b7nhs2ls1n1j_lqj005r80000gn/T/go-build1582606196/b001/exe/config/default.properties not found. skipping
2024-05-10 16:56:52.768|WARNING|Init|properties: /var/folders/jv/rn9b7nhs2ls1n1j_lqj005r80000gn/T/go-build1582606196/b001/exe/config/local.properties not found. skipping
2024-05-10 16:56:52.768|WARNING|Init|properties: /Users/jim/works/gone-io/gone/example/use-rdb/config/local.properties not found. skipping
2024-05-10 16:56:52.768|INFO|Init|Revive github.com/gone-io/gone/goner/config/config
2024-05-10 16:56:52.768|INFO|Init|Revive github.com/gone-io/gone/goner/config/propertiesConfigure
2024-05-10 16:56:52.768|INFO|Init|Revive github.com/gone-io/gone/goner/xorm/engine
2024-05-10 16:56:52.768|INFO|Init|Revive main/SqlExecutor
2024-05-10 16:56:52.769|INFO|/Users/jim/go/pkg/mod/xorm.io/xorm@v1.3.2/log/logger_context.go:90||PING DATABASE mysql
2024-05-10 16:56:52.783|INFO|/Users/jim/works/gone-io/gone/cemetery.go:307||Revive /
demo:{1 hello gone}
demo records:[{1 hello gone} {2 The most Spring programmer-friendly Golang framework, dependency injection, integrates Web. }]

# Points to Note

# 1. github.com/gone-io/gone/goner is a wrapper for xorm.io/xorm

The wrapper logic is roughly as follows: xorm is wrapped as an Angel Goner (opens new window); data connection is established in the Start method, and the database connection is closed in the Stop method. When using it, there is no need to import the xorm.io/xorm package directly, only github.com/gone-io/gone/goner needs to be imported. The wrapper relies on github.com/gone-io/gone/tree/main/goner/config to implement configuration. The burial of configuration-related Goners is automatically completed in the goner.XormPriest function. Supported configuration items in the configuration file:

  • database.driver-name: Name of the driver, supports mainstream databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc. For details, refer to the xorm documentation (opens new window)
  • database.dsn: Data source name, refer to the xorm documentation (opens new window)
  • database.max-idle-count: Maximum number of idle connections in the connection pool
  • database.max-open: Maximum number of connections in the connection pool
  • database.max-lifetime: Maximum lifetime of a connection
  • database.showSql: Whether to print executed SQL statements

# 2. Injection via gone-xorm GonerId

In the Goner where the xorm engine is needed, use the gone:"gone-xorm" tag to inject xorm.Engine, properties can be named or anonymous:

type XormUser struct {
    // Named
    db xorm.Engine `gone:"gone-xorm"`
// Or
type XormUser struct {
    // Anonymous
    xorm.Engine `gone:"gone-xorm"`

xorm.Engine "inherits" the xorm.io/xorm.EngineInterface interface, so xorm.Engine supports all methods in the xorm documentation (opens new window).

# 3. Pay Attention to Imported Packages

  • Import the database driver, which varies for different databases:
import (
	_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
  • Import the xorm package as github.com/gone-io/gone/goner/xorm, not xorm.io/xorm:
import (
	"github.com/gone-io/gone/goner/xorm" #📢⚠️Special attention needed, import the xorm package wrapped by gone