# Using Redis for Distributed Locking and Caching

In this article, we will share how to use distributed caching and distributed locking in Gone, where distributed locking includes a more flexible handling method — "smart lock". This method locks a processing function, periodically checks the remaining expiration time of the lock during function execution, and automatically renews the lock if necessary. The function automatically unlocks after execution.

What is a Goner? What does it mean to bury? What is a Cemetery? Refer to Core Concepts of Gone (opens new window)

In the Priest function, add _ = goner.RedisPriest(cemetery) as follows:

func priest(cemetery gone.Cemetery) error {
	// Using the goner.RedisPriest function to bury Redis-related Goner into Cemetery
	_ = goner.RedisPriest(cemetery)
	return nil

# Step 2: Adding Redis Configuration to the Configuration File

Create a configuration file config/default.properties with the following contents:

# Redis service address in the format `host:port`
# Redis service password, default is empty if not configured

Note: The Redis service address should be set to a Redis service you can access.

Additional configuration options:

  • redis.max-idle: maximum number of idle connections, default is 2 if not set
  • redis.max-active: maximum number of active connections, default is 10 if not set
  • redis.db: the database to use, default is 0 if not set
  • redis.cache.prefix: key prefix, if set, all CRUD operations on Redis will append this prefix using the format ${prefix}#${key}; default is empty

For more on configuration files, refer to: Support for Configuration Files Through Built-in Goners (opens new window)

# Step 3: Using Redis

# Injecting Interfaces

Inject the interfaces redis.Cache and redis.Locker into the structure where they are needed, their GonerId are respectively: gone-redis-cache and gone-redis-locker:

type redisUser struct {
	cache  redis.Cache  `gone:"gone-redis-cache"`
	locker redis.Locker `gone:"gone-redis-locker"`

# Using Distributed Cache

Refer to the comments in the code below:

func (r *redisUser) UseCache() {
	key := "gone-address"
	value := "https://github.com/gone-io/gone"
	// Setting the cache
	err := r.cache.Put(
		key,            // The first parameter is the cache key, type `string`
		value,          // The second parameter is the value to cache, type any; the passed value will be encoded to `[]byte` and sent to Redis
		10*time.Second, // The third parameter is the expiration time, type `time.Duration`; if omitted, no expiration time is set
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("err:%v", err)
	// Getting the cache
	var getValue string
	err = r.cache.Get(
		key,       // The first parameter is the cache key, type `string`
		&getValue, // The second parameter is a pointer to receive the cached value, type any; the value retrieved from Redis will be decoded into the type of the passed pointer
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("err:%v", err)
	fmt.Printf("getValue:%v", getValue)

Other methods on the interface:

  • Remove(key string) (err error): used to delete a specific Redis key, supports wildcard
  • Keys(key string) ([]string, error): used to find keys using a prefix or wildcard, ⚠️ use this method with caution
  • Prefix() string: get the current cache configuration's key prefix

# Using Distributed Lock

  1. Locking for a specific duration
func (r *redisUser) UseLock() {
	lockKey := "gone-lock-key"
	// Attempt to acquire the lock and lock it for a duration
	// The first returned parameter is a function to unlock
	unlock, err := r.locker.TryLock(
		lockKey,        // The first parameter is the lock key, type `string`
		10*time.Second, // The second parameter is the lock's expiration time, type `time.Duration`
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("err:%v", err)
	// After operations, you need to unlock
	defer unlock()
	// Once the lock is acquired,business operations can be performed.
2. Locking a function where the lock is automatically renewed if the operation does not finish, and it unlocks automatically once the operation is complete
func (r *redisUser) LockFunc() {
	lockKey := "gone-lock-key"
	err := r.locker.LockAndDo(
		lockKey, // The first parameter is the lock key, type `string`
		func() { // The second parameter is the function to be executed, type `func()`, representing an operation
			// Once the lock is acquired, business operations can be performed
			println("do some options")
		100*time.Second, // The third parameter is the lock's expiration time, type `time.Duration`; both the initial locking and subsequent renewals will use this value
		5*time.Second,   // The fourth parameter is the interval for lock renewal, type `time.Duration`; periodically checks if the lock is about to expire, and renews the lock if it is within the next period
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("err:%v", err)

This approach is quite intelligent and is referred to as a “smart lock.” It is recommended for its ease of use and reduction in cognitive load.

# Complete Example Code

The source code for the example can be found here (opens new window)

package main
import (
func priest(cemetery gone.Cemetery) error {
	// Using the goner.RedisPriest function to embed Redis-related Goner into the Cemetery
	_ = goner.RedisPriest(cemetery)
	return nil
type redisUser struct {
	cache  redis.Cache  `gone:"gone-redis-cache"`
	locker redis.Locker `gone:"gone-redis-locker"`
func (r *redisUser) UseCache() {
	key := "gone-address"
	value := "https://github.com/gone-io/gone"
	// Setting the cache
	err := r.cache.Put(
		key,            // The first parameter is the cache key, type `string`
		value,          // The second parameter is the value to cache, type any; the passed value will be encoded to `[]byte` and sent to Redis
		10*time.Second, // The third parameter is the expiration time, type `time.Duration`; if omitted, no expiration time is set
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("err:%v", err)
	// Getting the cache
	var getValue string
	err = r.cache.Get(
		key,       // The first parameter is the cache key, type `string`
		&getValue, // The second parameter is a pointer to receive the cached value, type any; the value retrieved from Redis will be decoded into the type of the passed pointer
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("err:%v", err)
	fmt.Printf("getValue:%v", getValue)
func (r *redisUser) LockTime() {
	lockKey := "gone-lock-key"
	// Attempting to obtain the lock and lock it for a specific duration
	// The first returned parameter is a function to unlock
	unlock, err := r.locker.TryLock(
		lockKey,        // The first parameter is the lock key, type `string`
		10*time.Second, // The second parameter is the lock's expiration time, type `time.Duration`
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("err:%v", err)
	// After operations, you need to unlock
	defer unlock()
	// Once the lock is acquired, business operations can be performed
func main() {
	gone.Prepare(priest).AfterStart(func(in struct {
		r *redisUser `gone:"*"`
	}) {